Windows x64 Release by StartSoft 08-09 2019

Windows x64 Release by StartSoft 08-09 2019
Download Windows x64 Release by StartSoft 08-09 2019
The assembly is intended for installation on computers of Windows operating systems with x64-bit resolution. It includes two ISO images on the basis of which you can create a bootable USB flash drive with a size of 16 GB and above. In the multiboot flash drive menu, you can choose the option to install one of the Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 10 operating systems, while the Windows 10 operating system can be installed on a computer, as with all metros in its full version (Full), or and without them in a stripped-down version (Lite).

Computer for the system:
- Processor: 1.8 GHz or more
- Memory: 2 GB (64-bit)
- HDD: 20 GB (64-bit)
- DirectX 9 support with WDDM 1.0 or higher drivers
- Screen resolution: 1366 x768 and higher

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- Availability of the Internet

Windows x64 Release by StartSoft 08-09 2019 torrent, changes:
System installation:
- The operating system can be installed on computers whose hard drives have an MBR or GPT partition table (optional).
- Formatting a bootable flash drive can be performed in FAT32 formats for machines with UEFI or in NTFS for other computers that are built on the old BIOS, but their processors have instructions that support the installation of Windows 10.
- The operating system Windows 10 version 1903, which is included in the assembly, has the construction of OS 18362.175.
- Version 09-2019 [Ru] supports the ability to boot a Windows 10 PE computer Sergei Strelec x64 [Ru].

Original images on the basis of which the assembly was created
- en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677391
- en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677671
- en_windows_embedded_8.1_industry_pro_with_update_x64_dvd_6052105
- en_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_6051499.iso
- 9600.17053.winblue_refresh.141120-0031_x64fre_client_coresinglelanguage_en-en-ir5_csla_x64frer_ru-en
- en_windows_10_consumer_edition_version_1903_updated_june_2019_x64_dvd_c4957418
- en_windows_10_business_edition_version_1903_updated_june_2019_x64_dvd_dc83451b

Boot menu flash drive
Boot menu version 08-2019 [Ru]
Record number 1
Name: Windows 7 x64 - mbr
Record number 2
Name: Windows 81 x64 - mbr
Record number 3
Name: Windows 10 x64 Lite - mbr
Record number 4
Name: Windows 10 x64 Full - mbr
Boot menu version 09-2019 [Ru]
Record number 1
Name: Windows 7 x64 - mbr
Record number 2
Name: Windows 10 x64 Lite - mbr
Record number 3
Name: Windows 10 x64 Full - mbr
Record number 4
Name: Windows 10 PE x64 Strelec - mbr

Revisions of operating systems available for installation on a PC
Windows 7 SP1
- Windows 7 Home Premium
- Windows 7 Home Premium with Applications
- Windows 7 Professional
- Windows 7 Professional with applications
- Windows 7 Corporate
- Windows 7 Enterprise with applications
- Windows 7 Ultimate
- Windows 7 Ultimate c applications
Windows 8.1 UpDate For version 08-2019 (Ru)
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8.1 Pro
- Windows 8.1 Industry Pro
- Windows 8.1 for one language
Windows 10 Full-Lite (Consumer-Business)
- Windows 10 Home
- Windows 10 Home for One Language
- Windows 10 for educational institutions
- Windows 10 for educational institutions VL
- Windows 10 Pro
- Windows 10 Pro VL
- Windows 10 Pro for educational institutions
- Windows 10 Pro for educational institutions VL
- Windows 10 Corporate VL

In all editions of the operating system Windows 7 SP1 installed:
- Package. NET Framework 4.7.2
- Package Visual C ++ 2005-2019 (in editions with applications).
- DirectX (June2010)
- Integrated updates from Simplix. In all editions of Windows 8.1 Update:
- Installed Visual C ++ package
- .NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package activated
- Removed the store and OneDrive. In all editions of the Windows 10 operating system Lite package:
- The archive of the operating system contains editions for general use (Consumer Pack Windows 10) and editions intended for business (Business Pack Windows 10).
- Removed all metropolitan applications, including the store and OneDrive.
- Left only Calculator and protector Windows.
- No more changes to the system have been made.
- There are no installed applications.
- Editions labeled VL are intended for business. In all editions of the Windows 10 operating system of the Full package:
- The archive of the operating system contains editions for general use (Consumer Pack Windows 10) and editions intended for business (Business Pack Windows 10).
- There are no installed applications.
- No changes in the system were made.
- Editions labeled VL are for business.

The main differences between the versions
- In version 09-2019 [Ru], there is no possibility to install the Windows 8.1 Update operating system, instead Windows PE x64 was added by Sergei Strelec.
- In version 08-2019 [Ru] there is no possibility to boot a computer with Windows PE x64, instead it has been added the ability to install the Windows 8.1 Update operating system.

Creating a bootable flash drive using DiskPart utility
- Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port of the computer and run the command line: Start -> Run (or press the Win + R keys) and type the command cmd
In the console that opens, enter the following commands:
diskpart - run the utility diskpart
list disk - get the list of drives in the system, remember the index (number) of our flash drive
select disk n - select the drive with the index n, where n is the index of your flash drive, see the size, it is specified.
- for example, index 3, then the command will be such select disk 3
- The following command:
clean - clears existing partitions on a flash drive
- Next, type the command:
create partition primary - primary partition is created
- Next, type the command
format FS = FAT32 QUICK - fast USB flash drive formatted in FAT32 file system format
(if you need to format a USB flash drive in NTFS, then you need to type a command (format FS = NTFS QUICK)
- Next, type the command:
active - the command sets (makes) the created partition of the flash drive active (bootable)
- Next, type the command:
assign - command assigns a letter to the boot drive (automatically)
- Next, type the command:
exit - a command to exit the diskpart utility's working window.
- After you finish working with the utility Diskpart, copy the Windows installation files to a USB flash drive.
- Boot the PC from the USB flash drive and install the desired edition of the system.
- It is allowed to unpack the ISO image on the hard disk with the purpose of editing it at your discretion.
- At the end of the editing, it is not necessary to collect the edited distribution files again into an ISO image.
- And just copy the installation files of the edited image to the created bootable USB flash drive
All is ready!
- Now you have a bootable USB flash drive with which you can install Windows.
- This way the boot flash drive is created is remarkable in that
that it does not require any additional software.
- Once created, and then you no longer need to create a new boot partition on the new one.
- It is enough just to delete the contents of the flash drive and copy the new installation files onto it.

- Diskpart utility supports flash drives of no more than 32 GB

File: Windows x64 Release by StartSoft 08-2019 [Ru] .iso
CRC-32: 03d41508
MD5: 86831286aadeac64e11716e3ed2196f1
SHA-1: e687fbf705341212e4d97eabae0a30625442dad7

File: Windows x64 Release by StartSoft 09-2019 [Ru] .iso
CRC-32: 0b50a635
MD5: 37ec19c73162d52673d39fccfc4f3142
SHA-1: 9b78b3d45c33ec55219d4e2db82373cc720f4248

System activation
- In the assembly of any means to activate the system missing.