Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Runtimes AllInOne 07/09/2019)

Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Runtimes AllInOne 07/09/2019)
Download Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Runtimes AllInOne 07/09/2019)

As Adobe ®  the Flash ®  Player Get - a lightweight browser plug-in and runtime advanced web applications (RIA), which provides a complete and easy interaction, stunning audio and video playback, as well as the incredible performance of web games.

Adobe Runtimes AllInOne - is a collection of applications from Adobe, which are necessary for playing video clips, interactive 3D graphics, flash animations, presentations, online games in a browser window.
Adobe Standalone Flash Player is a separate player from Adobe for playing swf files.

Includes current versions:
 • Adobe Flash ActiveX Plugin
 • Adobe Flash NPAPI Plugin
 • Adobe Flash PPAPI Plugin 
 • Adobe Shockwave Player  
 • Macromedia Authorware Web Player
 • Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)   
 • Adobe Standalone Flash Player

About Adobe Original Packages: 
Adobe Flash ActiveX Plugin: Adobe Flash NPAPI Plugin: Adobe Flash PPAPI Plugin: Adobe Shockwave Player: 04/09/2019 Adobe has stopped support for Shockwave Macromedia Authorware Web Player: 2004.0.0.73 Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR): Adobe Standalone Flash layer: Adobe Flash Uninslaller


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System requirements:   Windows XP / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

File size: 56,0Mb

News edited by: elchupacabra - Today, 11:47 
Reason for editing: Updated Adobe Flash Player to version