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Download Windows 10 LTSC WPI by AG 03.2019 [17763.348] 32 / 64bit |
Options with and without defender, with updates on 03.2019.
Computer for the system:
- 32/64-bit processor with a clock frequency of 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher;
- from 2 GB of RAM (RAM) for x64, recommended from 4 GB;
- from 1 GB of RAM (x86) for x86, up to 4 GB is recommended;
- from 20 GB of hard disk space;
- DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver version 1.0 or later.
Windows 10 LTSC WPI by AG 03.2019 [17763.348] 32 / 64bit torrent, changes:
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is enabled
Turns on the display of the icon "my computer" on the desktop.
People icon is disabled in the taskbar.
Hibernation is disabled.
Changes made to the editorial staff are given below.
Images are not intended for installation from under the installed OS.
Before installing, make sure the quality of the installed memory program memtest.
In order to avoid the appearance of anomalies when loading, use the Rufus program (available in the distribution) to write the image to the flash drive.
The build is based on the official MICROSOFT MSDN releases:
Minimized the number of installer questions, autounattend.xml and its modest features.
The system is put on the file of automatic answers to the questions of the installer.
At the beginning of the installation, you need to select the OS edition and make a disk layout. (do not leave old partitions on the system disk)
If this is not the case when installing from a flash drive, you can try another USB port.
The system creates one user profile "Professional" with administrator rights, the temporary region of Russia is GMT +3: 00.
The network machine name is assigned to the User-PC, and not traditionally from a lantern.
************************************************** *********************
autounattend creates one administrator profile "Professional" (default)
UTC +3: 00 - Time zone https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749073(v=ws.10).aspx
false account control, true - enable / false - do not enable
User-PC machine name including network
cmd / C wmic useraccount where "name = 'Professional'" set PasswordExpires = false Do not limit the lifetime of the password for the user 'Professional'
List of programs included in WPI:
Installation of programs is performed using the MInstall shell on a delay timer after installing the OS.
There is a choice of software, what to put and what not. Bit OS and software are automatically determined.
Bandizip v6.20, WinRAR v5.70, 7-ZIP v19.00
Opera v58.0, Firefox ESR v60.5
AIMP Player v4.51, KMPlayer v4.2.2.22, MPC-HC Player v1.8.4, PotPlayer v1.7.17508 (& stream TV service)
Notepad ++ v7.6.3, HxD Hex Editor v2.2.1
PDF XChange Viewer v2.5.322, WinDjView v2.1
Microsoft Visual C ++ (Lib) 2005 ... 2017
ImgBurn v2.5.8, UltraISO v9.7.1.3519, Nero Mini 19.1.1005
HashTab v6.0.0.34, CrystalDiskInfo v8.0, CPU-Z v1.87
The Internet:
Image Uploader v1.3.1,? Torrent v3.5.5, BitTorrent v7.10.5 (Torrent repackers can be detected aka virus)
File managers:
Far Manager v3.0.5300, Multi Commander v8.3.0, Everything v1.4.1.932
W10 Digital Activation Program v1.3.7
AAct v4.0.0
For stable activation, a 30sec timer is added to the reboot, do not fuss.
It is not necessary to stop the installation of the programs after the launch; after the installation of the programs is finished the computer will restart.
The composition of the folder Soft, automatically copied to the desktop
Activators: KMS Tools Portable 02.2019 (KMS Tools is a pack with activators and utilities), HWID v60.01
For drives: SSD Mini Tweaker v2.8
Driverpack: SDI R1811 with drivers for 02.2019 for LAN / WI-FI / Chipset / MassStorage / USB
Utility: O & O shutup 10
Snappy Driver Installer Kit with drivers for 02.2019 for LAN / WI-FI / Chipset / MassStorage added to image
A small set of Snappy Driver Installer R1811 with drivers for 02.2019 for LAN / WI-FI / Chipset / MassStorage added to the image -
\ sources \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Users \ Public \ Desktop \ Soft \ Drivers \ Driverpack \ SDI_R1811 ~ 500mb
When you start SDI_x64_R1811.exe, the shell can install the necessary drivers, and with the presence of an Internet, pull up the selected driver packages
or update your chosen drivers.
The following components are disabled:
Disabled in no Defender editions:
Telemetry Client
Action record
Software Quality Improvement Program
Connect to Microsoft account
Windows Error Reporting
Windows defender
Security Center
Sync settings *
Data Collection for Microsoft
Accordingly, the Defender editions left:
Windows defender
Security Center
Automatically changed service states:
disable - Diagsvc
disable - diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service
disable - dmwappushservice
disable - BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
manual - WSearch
UAC disabled
Automatic update is disabled (automatically)
From the images or anything not removed!
Differences of corporate edition of Windows 10 LTSC from others
1. Ability to customize the home screen and detailed control of the user interface
2. Lack of cortava
3. Absence of a store (total absence (for dull people))
4. Absence of Microsoft Edge (IE11 is included)
5. Long-term service (until 2028, in contrast to the standard two years)
For the image - ru_win_10_17763.348_LTSC_x64_by_AG_03.2019.iso
CRC32: 883B0F3C
MD5: 34D57DC32E38BE4C07BD091FB636D01A
SHA-1: 084C074A446655E96AB436C6A363E3C767D2EBB3
********************************************** ********************************=
For the image - ru_win_10_17763.348_LTSC_x86_by_AG_03.2019.iso
CRC32: AF853810
MD5: 361B755A22EDC033724B09F5365B1156
SHA-1: 7B053F0C33867232CACD8AD41BEF6FA1BA9E043C
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