Navitel Navigator / Navitel Navigator 9.10.2126 Full (2018) Android

Navitel Navigator / Navitel Navigator 9.10.2126 Full (2018) Android
Download Navitel Navigator / Navitel Navigator 9.10.2126 Full (2018) Android
File type: Program
Installer type: apk
Version: 9.10.2126 Full
Supported OS: Android 2.3.7 +
Release took place: 03/13/2019
Developer: NAVITEL
Interface language: Russian / Multi
Type of publication: Pirate
Activation: Q3 2018 release cards
Market: Link
Root: Not required
Supported resolutions: 240 × 320 (QVGA), 240 × 400 (WQVGA), 320 × 480 (HVGA), 640 × 480 (VGA), 480 × 800 (WVGA), 340 × 480, 480 × 854, 1280 × 800 ( WXGA), 720 × 1280, 600 × 1024.

Free space to install the program:
- for devices with low resolution: at least 60 mb;
- for devices with normal resolution: not less than 190 mb;
- for devices with high resolution: not less than 200 mb;
- for devices with very high resolution: at least 120 mb.
The free space for installing the program from apk should be four times the size of the package being installed by the apk.

Description: NAVITEL® releases a new version of Navitel Navigator for Android devices.
Official Q3 2018 release cards for Navitel 9.10 and higher

Features of version 9.10:
In the new version of Navitel Navigator software, as you follow the route, the screen displays a list of the nearest navigation significant objects with an indication of the distance to them. As it approaches, the program displays a warning with a countdown of the distance to the control cameras, potentially dangerous places and service departments. The new version of Navitel Navigator contains a detailed database of control cameras (14 types), potentially dangerous places (9 types) and service departments (7 types). With vertical fixing, all alerts appear on the left side of the screen, under the navigation tips. When you rotate the device to a horizontal position, the alert widget moves to the right side of the display.
In the updated interface, a system of noticeable alerts is integrated to increase the safety of executing rebuilding maneuvers. The driver in advance receives warnings not only about the type of camera, but also about the direction of control of the camera (counter, passing), current and recommended speed in the control zone of the camera and other useful information on the route.

Color indication of speed limits
In the new version, the permissible driving speed on the road section is displayed to the right of the current vehicle speed. If the driver exceeds the set value, the program sends visual warnings: orange color - speeding up to 10 km / h; red - speeding at 11 km / h or more *.
Full list of alert categories:
- Speed ​​(Stationary speed control camera). This type of camera measures the speed of vehicles.
- Lane for public transport (Stationary camera monitoring compliance with marking requirements in order to prevent traffic on the lane intended for public transport). This type of camera captures the movement of a car along a lane intended for public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, etc.).
- The strip for a taxi (Stationary camera monitoring compliance with the requirements of the markup in order to prevent movement on the lane, designed for a taxi). This type of camera captures the movement of a car along a lane intended for a taxi.
- Lane for bicycles (Stationary camera monitoring compliance with the requirements of marking in order to prevent movement along the lane intended for bicycles). This type of camera captures the movement of a vehicle along a lane intended for bicycles or a movement of a vehicle along a cycle path.
- Roadside motion (Stationary camera of compliance with the marking requirements in order to prevent roadside traffic). This type of camera captures the movement of the vehicle along the emergency lane or side of the road.
- Stop-line (Stationary camera monitoring the arrival of the STOP line).
- Solid line markings (Stationary camera monitoring the intersection of a solid line marking) - This type of camera captures the car's rebuilding through a solid line marking and / or separation islands. Also, this type includes cameras that control the position of the car on the roadway in the corresponding lane when making a maneuver (turn, turn).
- Red signal of the traffic light (Stationary camera of control of passage on the prohibitive signal of the traffic light).
- Departure to the intersection at a traffic jam (Stationary stop-stop camera at the intersection in case of a traffic jam behind it). This type of camera records the fact of a car stopping at an intersection where stopping is prohibited by special marking and / or signs. Departure for such intersections is prohibited if there are no conditions for the free passage through it.
- Failure to use seat belts (Stationary camera monitoring the use of seat belts).
- Parking rules (Stationary camera monitoring the requirements of parking rules).
Non-use of headlights (Stationary camera monitoring compliance with the requirements of the use of lighting devices).
- Use of a mobile phone (Fixed camera monitoring compliance with the rules of using the phone while driving - non-use of hands-free devices).
- Prohibition of the movement of trucks (Stationary camera monitoring the passage of freight transport in areas where its movement is prohibited).

- Mobile camera (Unstationary traffic control camera). This category includes locations of patrol cars, non-stationary cameras for monitoring traffic, etc.
- Unregulated railway crossing (Unregulated railway crossing).
- Pedestrian crossing (Unregulated pedestrian crossing).
- Dangerous intersection (emergency-dangerous intersection).
- Dangerous turn (emergency turn).
- Attention, children! (Perhaps the appearance of children on the road).
- Restricted access (Prohibited zone: border zone, restricted access zone, armed conflict zone, etc.).
- Lying police officer (Artificial roughness: the lying police officer).
Attention, change of speed (Perhaps a sharp change in the flow rate of transport).

- Transport inspection (Transport inspection).
- Weight control (Weight control).
- Police station (Stationary police station).
- Customs control (Customs post (border crossing)).
- Ecological control (Control of the ecological class of the car).
- Limited access for trucks (Limited access for trucks). Unlike the camera that controls the total prohibition of the movement of cargo transport, this type is intended for marking places where access of cargo transport is restricted: entry is possible with passes, permits, etc.
- Point of payment (Point of collection).

In the distribution:
Full - version for all screen resolutions.

Also in version Navitel Navigator 9.10:
- Added navigation indication in the tunnels;
- The database of branded POIs (gas stations, ATMs, shops, cafes, and others) was supplemented;
- Accelerated construction of routes, including several countries at once;
- Improved drawing of maps;
- Optimized interface for devices with a "high" screen (with an aspect ratio of 2: 1).
- The following maps are available: complete map of Russia (FD maps are not supported), Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
Supported resolutions: 240 × 320 (QVGA), 240 × 400 (WQVGA), 320 × 480 (HVGA), 640 × 480 (VGA), 480 × 800 (WVGA), 340 × 480, 480 × 854, 1280 × 800 ( WXGA), 720 × 1280, 600 × 1024.

Free space to install the program:
- for devices with normal resolution: not less than 190 mb;
The free space for installing the program from apk should be four times the size of the package being installed by the apk.

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