Avira Antivirus Security Pro (2019) Android

Avira Antivirus Security Pro (2019) Android
Download Avira Antivirus Security Pro (2019) Android
Name: Avira Antivirus Security
Developer: AVIRA
Year: 2019

Interface language: Russian 
Treatment: not required 

System requirements: Android 4.4+

Description: The best free Android application for virus protection, mobile phone security, privacy and theft protection: Avira Antivirus Security. Photos, contacts and bank card numbers are stored on your phone. Avira Antivirus Security is the best application to protect your phone and tablet. Our full-featured free mobile application is not just a free antivirus and spyware and malware removal program.


Additional Information:
Virus scanning and virus scavenging: scanning, blocking and deleting viruses, spyware and malware, as well as other types of threats ✓
Phone Detection and Tracking: Searching, Tracking and Restoring a Lost or Stolen Phone ✓ 
Privacy Protector: you will see all applications that collect sensitive information ✓
Super-easy virus protection: a quick scan for malware that does not slow down the device and does not drain the battery. 
Camera and microphone protection: preventing eavesdropping and surveillance ✓
AppLock +: Protect sensitive applications (chats, calls, Skype and other applications) with a PIN ✓
Features free version or premium version. The choice is yours.

The best virus protection for Android

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Avira Antivirus Security is a comprehensive anti-malware application that ensures the security of your Android devices and sensitive information. Our powerful virus scanner blocks spyware and phishing attacks, and also removes malware and adware from your phone.

Free antivirus and privacy protection: our powerful antivirus for Android automatically scans for applications, updates and external devices for malware.
Evaluate each application on the privacy scale according to the amount of data collected.

Protection from ransomware: Avira Antivirus Security prevents phone encryption, as well as the capture of your data and applications ..
Avira’s proven anti-extinguisher protection solution blocks millions of ransomware attacks every month.

Detection, recovery and anti-theft tools allow you to track the location of the phone on the map, block applications to prevent unauthorized access and perform remote cleaning of the device ..
Activate a loud beep to detect an Android device. Additional security service: the person who finds your phone will receive a request to contact you ..

Avira Personal Data Protection and Blacklist: Spyware and Virus Detector checks for leaks of your contacts to third parties and notifies your contacts if their email address is in danger.
Block unwanted calls from certain phone numbers and add them to the blacklist.

Web-based malware protection :: access to all security settings and remote access functions (beep, clear memory, and phone detection)
Manage multiple devices across platforms through a network portal.

Protection against viruses free version or premium version :: free virus protection for all Android devices ..

New Features Antivirus 2018 - Pro Version

AppLock +: block certain applications by time or geographical location. Ideal for ensuring safe work on the Internet and in applications.
Camera Protection: Prevent camera-side surveillance from applications and websites, even in the background. 
Microphone protection: block unauthorized access to the microphone. Improved functionality allows the phone to work even in active microphone protection mode.
Web protection: work on the Internet without infected and phishing websites

This application requires device administrator permission.
Installation Procedure:
- install apk, use