AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​ (2018) PC | RePack & Portable by TryRooM

AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​ (2018) PC Download

AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​ (2018) PC | RePack & Portable by TryRooM

Software Version:
Language: Multi / Russian
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated) 
Type of medicine: RadiXX11

System requirements:

Win 10 (32 or 64 bit), Win 8 / 8.1 (32 or 64 bit), Win 7 (32 or 64 bit), Vista SP2 (32-bit only), XP SP3 (32-bit only)
Hard disk space: 60 MB
Memory: 512 MB
Recommended screen resolution: 1024x700

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is a popular tool for optimizing and configuring your operating system. With this program, you can significantly optimize the performance of your system, easily configure various Windows settings, clean the hard disk and registry from debris and unnecessary entries, make disk and registry defragmentation, and optimize the speed of Internet connections and much more.

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New opportunities:
Convenient navigation. Absolutely new interface BoostSpeed ​​6 makes it easy to manage the program. All utilities and functions are quickly available. The main tasks - cleaning drives, fixing errors in the registry, and defragmenting files can be performed with just a few mouse clicks! The program displays the current status of the computer and, if necessary, suggests performing a system check.

Restore files. If you accidentally deleted the desired file, document or photo - use the new BoostSpeed ​​5 - File Recovery utility. This program recovers any types of files deleted from the hard drive, USB drive or digital camera memory card. Thanks to the file preview function, you can quickly find and restore exactly what you need.

Search for errors on the disk. With this utility you can check your hard drive for errors in the file system. If an unreadable sector is detected, Disk Doctor restores the data in this sector and transfers it to the newly allocated cluster. Thus, with this program you can monitor the status of your hard drive, as well as prevent data loss.

Browse drives. Another new utility - Disk Explorer, will help you monitor the use of disk space on your hard drive. With this program you will find out which folders, files and file types (video, music, documents, etc.) occupy the most space on your hard drive. Quickly free up space on the disk will help you list "Top-100 files", displaying the largest files on your disk.
The main utilities Auslogics BoostSpeed:
• Disk Cleaner ("Disk Maintenance" - "Cleaning")
With this function, you can delete unnecessary files that slow down your computer. The Disk Cleaner tool scans the system for file debris that lies on the disk. File debris can include: temporary files, online chat files of programs, cache files, temporary media player files, temporary Java files and others. If you do not know which folders to scan, you can select "Mark only safe". So you do not delete the necessary files for the system.

• Disk Defrag - ("Disk Maintenance" - "Defragmentation")
This tool defragment drives, speeds up the process of reading, writing to disk, optimizes the location of system files. As a result, the application response time, the system load is reduced, the overall performance of the PC is increased.

• Disk Doctor - ("Disk Maintenance" - "Error Search")
Using this utility included in Auslogics BoostSpeed, you can check the hard drive for errors in the file system. If the utility detects an unreadable sector, then it will restore the data that is on this sector, and transfer it to the newly allocated cluster. With this utility you can monitor the status of the hard drive, prevent data loss.

• Duplicate File Finder ("Freeing Disk Space" - "Deleting Copies")
As a result of routine daily work, a lot of duplicate files accumulate on the computer. It can be as photos, and music, documents, various applications (installation files). The utility finds and removes unnecessary duplicates. We recommend that you run the Duplicate File Finder first, and then only Disk Defrag, as cleaning the disk of unnecessary files speeds up the defragmentation process.

• Disk Explorer ("Freeing up disk space" - "Browse drives")
This utility, which is part of Auslogics BoostSpeed, helps to exercise strict control over the use of disk space on the hard drive. Thanks to the Disk Explorer you can find out which folders, files, file types occupy the most space on the hard drive. You can use the list of "Top-100 files", thanks to which you can simplify and simplify the task of finding the largest files, to free up space on your hard drive.

• Startup Manager ("Software Monitoring" - "Autostart")
Allows you to manage programs that run with Windows, the utility shows all the autorun programs on your system and allows you to disable rarely or almost unused programs.

• Uninstall Manager ("Software Control" - "Installed Software")
This utility allows you to easily de-route any of the installed programs. There are three functions: "Uninstall" - the standard uninstallation of the program using the uninstall wizard; "Instant delete" - deletes the program instantly without starting the uninstallation wizard; "Remove from the registry" - deletes the program entries from the registry, if this program was previously uninstalled incorrectly.

• Tweak Manager ("System Settings" - "Options")
Allows you to correct a lot of little-known Windows settings, which will speed up your computer. All settings have a detailed description, which makes their use simple and straightforward.

• File Recovery. ("Emergency Recovery" - "File Recovery")
If you accidentally delete a file, document or photo, then you can safely use the file recovery utility included with Auslogics BoostSpeed. You can recover any types of files that have been deleted from the media. Using the quick view function, you can select the file that you need to quickly find and restore.

• Rescue Center ("Emergency Recovery" - "Recovery Center")
All changes that were made by the program are saved in the Recovery Center. If you have any problems after the program, you can easily cancel the "improvements" made, bring the system to its initial state.

• Registry Cleaner - ("Registry Maintenance" - "Cleaning")
Errors in the registry can degrade system performance, cause the computer to hang. The utility scans the registry, looks for incorrect or outdated data, fixes the errors found. The utility can be used safely, all changes can be easily undone by using the Recovery Center.

• Registry Defrag - ("Registry Maintenance" - "Defragmentation")
Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​also includes a function designed to defragment the registry, reduce the use of RAM. The utility overwrites the registry, eliminates empty spaces, corrects structural defects. As a result - a compact, well-structured registry that uses fewer PC resources, requires less time for access. Also you can find a detailed report on the work done.

• System Information ("System Status" - "Information")
With this utility, you can access detailed information about your computer, that is, learn about the hardware configuration, view information about the installed operating system, the drivers used, the programs. You can also generate and save the report in a convenient format for viewing.

• Task Manager ("System Status" - "Task Manager")
With this task manager, you can monitor the CPU and memory usage. Also you can establish which processes can harm your computer. Task Manager allows you to speed up any process or application by redistributing system resources.

• Services Manager ("System Status" - "Services")
The computer can run processes that you do not know about, never use them. Each service uses the resources of memory, processor, hard disk. If you disable unnecessary services, you can significantly improve the speed of your computer.

• File Shredder - ("Confidentiality" - "Destroy files")
Deleting files and folders in Windows removes links, but not the files themselves. With this utility you can completely remove information from the hard drive, USB-media so that it can not be restored. The utility is equipped with four algorithms of removal - from fast to super safe.

• Disk Wiper ("Privacy" - "Clear Disk")
With this tool, you can erase previously deleted information in the usual way. Disk Wiper allows you to disable the System Restore service, it is a guarantee that new copies of files will not be created during erasure. This utility can also clean up the terminal clusters (slack area) and entries in the file system tables.

• Track Eraser ("Privacy" - "Clear history")
When you use the Internet to visit websites on the Internet, work through a browser with documents, your actions are recorded in special cookies, temporary Internet files and in the Windows registry. If outsiders access your computer, they will be able to extract information about which sites you visited, what documents, programs you used. This utility, which is part of Auslogics BoostSpeed, will remove this information, protect your confidential data from transmission to third parties.

• Internet Optimizer ("Internet Acceleration" - "Automatic" and "Manual Tuning")
Internet Optimizer allows you to configure more than hundreds of parameters to achieve maximum system performance and Internet connection speed.
Version History:
So that it will start up even smoother.
Resolved an issue with window scaling.
Improved the program update mechanism.
Made some functionality improvements.
Resolved a few minor bugs.

Version History
Features of the assembly:
Antiviruses scold and delete the file shfolder.dll, add it to the exceptions, otherwise the program will not be activated.

Type: installation, unpacking (Portable by TryRooM).
Languages: Multi / Russian
Treatment: not required, Patch RadiXX11.
Cut: eula, GoogleAnalyticsHelper.

Command line switches:
Quiet installation of the Russian version: / VERYSILENT / I / RU
Quiet installation of the English version: / VERYSILENT / I / EN
Silent unpacking: / VERYSILENT / P
Do not create a shortcut on the desktop: / ND
Do not create a shortcut in the Start menu: / NS
Selecting the installation location: / D = PATH
The key / D = PATH should be indicated as the most recent
For example: setup_file.exe / VERYSILENT / I / D = C: MyProgram