Restorator 2018 3.90 Build 1793 (2018) PC | Repack by Diakov Download
Release Date: 2018
Software version: 3.90 Build 1793
Digit: x86 / x64
Language: English, Russian (Russifier)
Medicine: cured
Restorator 2018 is the Windows application resource editor. You can easily view, extract, modify, delete or add resources such as images, icons, text, menus, dialogs, sounds, animations and others. Restorator can recognize executable files (exe), dynamically loaded libraries (dll), resource files (res / rc), Active X elements (ocx), screen savers (scr), resource components Delphi (dcr) and many other file types. you can create a compact patch with the built-in ResPatcher, which contains only changed parameters, and then, transferring it via the Internet, anyone can make all the changes to a similar program on other computers. See the help for a complete list of all supported functions and resources.
Main features:
• View and edit resources. Review your resources and edit them directly in Restorator or use applications that you can integrate into the tools menu.
• Visual editing of dialogs. Now you can edit the dialogs on the screen with your mouse. Move the elements of the dialog, change the size and design scheme with immediate results and complete control. This is a necessary function for translating applications.
• Add multi-language support to your applications. Now you can add more languages to one application. Your application will automatically launch in the language that is installed by default in Windows. Multilanguage support can be added using the Restorator. You can not only translate applications, but also add languages!
• Creating a program for automated modification - ResPatcher. Using Restorator you can create a small executable program - ResPatcher, which contains all the changes you made. This gives you the ability to translate any application and distribute the transfer to others.
• Capture resources in PE files from anywhere on your hard drive. Capture resources on your hard drive. This tool will find resources wherever they are hiding. For example, you can find all the cursors on your disk and rid yourself of unnecessary manual work.
• Determine the location of elements in resources. Are you looking for a specific resource in the program? No problem - the resource search tool will do it!
• Edit and update the used resource files. Restorator can replace the file on restart, allowing you to change the resources in the files used by Windows.
• Link resources with editing tools. Identify your own tools for editing images, sounds and other resources. Running your favorite image editor for editing BMP images will be simple and convenient!
• Resource browsing modes. View the resources in different modes. In the default mode, you can listen to audio, view images and find all the resources that need to be translated. In hex dump mode, you get access to raw data. In resource mode, you see the actual data of the resource.
• Adding resources. Paste resources into PE files. Additional resources are especially useful for the .res or .dcr files you created, or if you want to add custom resources to your own projects. This feature also allows you to add formats / resolutions to icons and cursors.
• Deleting resources. Does your compiler create useless resources? Do you want to remove debugging information from the resources? Do you want to reduce the size of the executable? Then you got the solution: remove the resources with Restorator!
• Support for the command line. With the command-line options, you can easily run Restorator from a batch program for automated execution. It is also possible to include Restorator or ResPatch in installation programs (such as InstallShield) to automate the correction of resources during the installation process.
• Extraction of all resources. You can extract all the resources of the application to the hard drive with them, then you will put all the resources back in one step. This can make it easier to broadcast using your favorite tools.
What's New:
RePack Features
Type: installation.
Languages: Russian | English.
Treatment: conducted.
Command line switches:
• Silent installation of the version with the Russian interface: / S / R
• Quiet installation of the English version: / S / E
You can also select the directory to install: After all keys, add / D =% path% Example: setup_file.exe / S / R / D = C: Program
Note!!! When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to change the browser home page. Do not forget to remove the check mark.
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