[NSIS CRYPTER] Crypter Source Code Download
Bypasses smartscreen by abusing the NSIS installation media. This is proven to be effective. Uses syscalls for both x86 and x64. All APIs are hashed using CRC32. Includes a unique RunPE and a unique LoadPE. Includes heavens gate to call code via the 0x33 segment selector. The self-decryptor is limited to ~100 instructions when compiled, makes it as small as possible for AVs to detect. It is written in a naked function, compiled. then put into the builder as raw bytes. The crypter shellcode I have yet to understand, forces MSVC to avoid absolute references within the code.
There is no key within this project. The code attempts to bruteforce the key, the PE is XOR'ed on multiple layers. When the CRC32 algorithm has been performed, it can tell whether or not it has bruteforced the right key.
This is probably the best crypter existing today. Authors readme has been attached.
Languages: C, C++, x86 ASM, Au3, NSIS.
I do not recommend to study this crypter for newbies. It is highly advanced and you need to understand x86 itself and how windows internals work.
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