Microsoft® Windows® 10 Enterprise LTSB x86-x64 1607 EN Office16 by OVGorskiy® 06.2018 2DVD

Microsoft® Windows® 10 Enterprise LTSB Download

Microsoft® Windows® 10 Enterprise LTSB x86-x64 1607 EN Office16 by OVGorskiy® 06.2018 2DVD
The program version: 1607 Anniversary Update RTM (10.0.14393.2312).
Language: Russian (Russian).
Treatment: not required, automatic activation.
Assembly Author: OVGorskiy®

System requirements:
If you want to use Windows 10 on your computer, you will need:
• Processor: At least 1 GHz or SoC
• RAM: 1 GB (for 32-bit systems) or 2 GB (for 64-bit systems)
• Hard disk space: 16 GB (for 32-bit systems) or 20 GB (for 64-bit systems)
• Video: DirectX 9 or higher with WDDM 1.0 driver
• Display: 800x600 points. (More ...)

assembling on the basis of the original Russian images of the newest operating system Windows 10 Enterprise (Corporate) LTSB x86-x64 (msdn) from Microsoft with additional material of different capacities on 2 different DVDs (x86 and x64). The installation is completely standard "manually" with the choice of OS installation parameters. Integrated: system updates, a small set of programs, a program for returning to the system familiar to us buttons and Start Menu, gadgets for the desktop, additional themes and pictures of the desktop, etc. The assembly is designed for those who prefer to design the look of their operating system to your taste and get an almost ready system for work.
Features and Benefits of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.
The Enterprise LTSB version (Long Term Servicing Branch) differs from the classic version in that it does not contain unnecessary standard programs (Shop, Edge browser, etc.) that the OS installs by default. Although Windows 10 Enterprise Long Term Servicing Branch is intended for enterprises and organizations, it is also convenient for the general public.
1. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB only gets fully tested on regular versions of security updates and patches (that is, getting an unstable update is almost impossible), while delivering updates can be managed. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB allows you to completely disable services related to telemetry and user data collection.
2. Enterprise LTSB does not contain Windows applications - there is not a Store or a new Edge browser. Instead, classic programs are used by default: Internet Explorer instead of Edge, Windows Media Player instead of Groove, usual win32 "Calculator" instead of the new application of the same name, etc. There are no kortans, and the search box on the taskbar serves for simple file search. Nevertheless, as in all other editions, the classic "Control Panel" exists side by side with the new "Options" application.
3. Enterprise LTSB is ideal for both privacy lovers and those who do not like Windows Store applications; this version will be an excellent choice if you missed the "eight" and are not adapted to the new Windows philosophy, or if you just need a modern operating system for a working machine. Compare editions, see details here.

What is LTSB edition of Windows 10.
One of the main disadvantages of Windows 10 Enterprise, Pro or Home is a large number of built-in software, such as: Store, Mail, Edge and even Cortana. They interfere with the user at work, greatly slowing it down, and select a lot of OS and computer resources. You can get rid of all these shortcomings by installing the version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.

The Enterprise LTSB version (Long Term Servicing Branch) differs from the classic version in that it does not contain unnecessary standard programs that the OS installs by default. Since the assembly is built on the basis of Windows 10 Enterprise and is designed for small and medium-sized businesses, then in official stores and retailers, ordinary users will not be able to purchase it.

In this OS, only stable versions of security updates and patches are tested on the computer, which are tested when used on standard Windows 10 assemblies. The user can control the installation of updates himself and, if necessary, disable the telemetry and user data collection functions that users do not like.

In Enterprise LTSB there is no unnecessary standard software, including the Edge browser, the Shop application and the Cortana voice assistant. Instead, the user can access classic utilities such as: Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player and others. But on an equal basis with the Control Panel, the Settings application is used.

In the version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, the differences will be important to those users who perform very serious operations in the system and, first of all, the stable operation of the system, its speed and reliability with the guarantee of saving large amounts of data is important, therefore the LTSB version is positioned, mainly , for business or professional use. Updates will be installed only critical and updates with the correction of system errors. Getting new opportunities in LTSB will be absent, since the enterprises for which this version is developed, do not have the desire to take part in testing any new or useless features and functions. Since Microsoft will gradually add these new tests to the Edge browser, it is also disabled in the LTSB.

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If you are using a computer for serious, responsible work with professional resource-intensive applications and it is important for you that the system works quickly, reliably without losing data, and thus there was nothing superfluous, then you need Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.

Also there is another plus LTSB - in this version there is no Kortana (voice assistant), and the search is used only for local files. The main advantage of LTSB is also that this system practically does not spy on users. And that minimal feedback from Microsoft, which still remains to find and solve system problems, can be turned off for complete and final isolation from any third-party implementation, by third-party utilities: Ashampoo AntiSpy, O & O ShutUp10 that are in the assembly, or the DoNotSpy10 utility.

Users who installed Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB on a computer note that it really is a very stable OS without the frills that clutter the computer with unnecessary software and applications. But those who are not professional users, stressed that there is no significant difference between it and the Home version, especially in the Russian segment.

Conclusion. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB is suitable for those who want to use a reliable and stable operating system without unnecessary standard applications and programs. But it does not spread in the mass sale and buy it to the regular user in official stores and retailers can not.

Additional Information:
The name of the operating system: Microsoft® Windows® 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 (Corporate with a long service life)
OS version: 10.0 build 14393 Redstone Release (RS1) Version 1607 Anniversary Update (10.0.14393.2312).
Release date: June 2018

The assemblies are based on the official images of MICROSOFT MSDN (Release date: July 2016):

- Updates on June 13, 2018 important and recommended one of them is a large cumulative (KB4284880);
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2;
- additional themes, background images, gadgets, user avatars.

Automatically installed applications during OS installation:
• StartIsBack ++ 2.6.4 Final (Ru / Ml), the program to return to the system the usual attributes of the OS - buttons and the menu "START" (see notes);
• UltraUXThemePatcher 3.4.1, a patcher program for adding the possibility of using third-party themes;
• 8GadgetPack v26.0, the program for installing into the desktop gadget system;
• Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook components;
• Adobe Reader XI, a program for viewing pdf files;
• WinRAR v5.50, one of the best archivers;
• A set of Microsoft Visual C ++ libraries from 2005 to 2017 x86-x64 05/28/2018;
• additional themes, background images, gadgets, user avatars.
If you want, you can remove all installed programs later from the control panel - uninstall programs.

Installing the Operating System
The installation of the operating system is no different from the installation of the operating system from the original. At the very beginning of the installation, you need to select the interface language for the installation time and the language of the installed system. The installation time of the OS varies from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the number and power of the computer. The applications are installed by the post-install method by the internal installer of the OS. The contents of the images can be transferred to a bootable USB flash drive or burned to a DVD disc by the corresponding procedure for creating bootable media. The assembly was tested in all versions of the installation on a real machine from a DVD disc and a bootable USB flash drive. No installation errors were detected. The most optimal installation from the flash drive as the fastest, or with DVD, as the most reliable. It is recommended to use to create a bootable USB flash drive Rufus (download). The performance of the assembly is guaranteed only when installed on a "clean", i.e. when installing from under the boot of the computer to a clean, formatted partition (disk). I also recommend immediately after installing the system to restart the computer to accept the settings of the current user. To owners of computers with disks with GPT structure I remind that installation is possible only 64-bit version from under UEFI interface from DVD or a flash drive created with observance of certain conditions, for example program Rufus (UEFI to GPT, FAT32)
To simplify installation, on computers with direct Internet connection, I advise you to temporarily disconnect the connection physically.
After installing the system, I strongly recommend that you run the OldNewExplorer program and configure it according to the screenshot that appears in the program folder to better display the themes integrated into the assembly of the desktop.

For convenience, small changes have been made to the image of the OS:
▫ The .NetFramework 3.5 OS component is running (2.0 and 3.0 inclusive), it is required for many programs,
▫ running the OS component, the classic "View Windows Photos" application,
▫ show "My Computer", "Control Panel" and Internet Explorer on the desktop,
▫ in the "file" menu added "open the file with Notepad (Open with Notepad)", "move to ...", "copy to ..."
▫ "Device Manager" is added to the "Computer" menu,
▫ in the "Desktop" menu, a convenient submenu "Personalization + (Personalization +)" was added to manage the design,
▫ from the window "My Computer" removed the labels of 6 folders "User Libraries",
▫ show hidden files and folders,
▫ show file extension,
▫ added a Google search site and a home page in the author's Internet Explorer assembly,
▫ the transparency of the bottom panel is turned on (depends on the included theme),
○ added additional background images for the desktop,
○ added additional themes,
○ Added additional gadgets.
► Disabled: User Account Control (UAC), Windows Defender and SmartScreen (see the notes for the assembly).
► Windows services, processes and components are left by default. Nothing was removed and did not change.

▫ All the changes in the assembly, registry tweaks, adding material were made using standard Windows ADK (DISM) tools. The applications are installed by the post-install method by the internal installer of the OS.
Also, additional material was added to the image of the dvd disc.

Additional material:
After the system is installed on the system drive C: folders with additional material are created.
- Folder with the program for setting the windows view OldNewExplorer (See Image),
- The Activators folder contains several different activators for this system in case the automatic activation does not work.
- In the folder "Avatars" there are user avatars.
Also, in the DVD installation image, programs for creating a flash drive, a build poster, are added. In the "Additional_Material" folder there are programs for removing O & O ShutUp10, Ashampoo_AntiSpy and the program for changing information in the OEM Info Updater from the monitoring and spy system. The folder "Fix Specter Meltdown CPU" contains material for working with the vulnerability of the processor, the vulnerability validation program, a description of how to enable or disable the patch. Also in the folder are registry tweaks to enable Windows Defender and SmartScreen. You can extract it after installation from the installation media and transfer it to your hard drive.
Note: all additional material is designed for self-installation according to your desire. Folders on the disc and shortcuts on the desktop can be easily removed if you do not need them.

Checksums of images:
Checksum x86 image
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB x86 1607 EN Office16 by OVGorskiy 06.2018.iso
CRC32: 4704A405
SHA-1: BC6A9F9FC1CFEEBC42C7BFF3602F560256797CE8
The size of 3.58 GB (3,844 145,152 bytes).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Checksum x64 image
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB x64 1607 EN Office16 by OVGorskiy 06.2018.iso
CRC32: 98611146
MD5: BD7B9567068FF06168B045FEC379381F
SHA-1: 788D9A3D0BE73044899B515DDA1F8805BD4CA000
The size is 4.35 GB (4,680,712,192 bytes).

Remarks to the assembly and useful recommendations.
1. Before installing this system (10), make sure that your computer (laptop) supports it, and also whether there are drivers for all equipment (suitable from 8 and 8.1) for this system. Download the necessary drivers and save them on some kind of media.
2. The most correct and reliable way to install the system is to install from the DVD, provided it is correctly and correctly recorded.
3. Owners of a computer with disks with a GPT structure need to know that installation of only 64-bit version is available, and when installing the system from a USB flash drive, it must be formatted in FAT32. I recommend the Rufus program of the latest versions with the selection of the corresponding parameters in it.
4. The final version of the StartIsBack program is included in the assembly to return to the system the usual buttons and the Start menu. Presented in the menu system from Microsoft is not quite familiar and convenient, in my opinion.
5. Assembling is installed activated. If for some reason this did not happen, after installing the OS on the system disk, the "Activators" folder will be created, where you can find a selection of tools for activating the system.
6. After installation, I advise you to configure StartIsBack to your taste, the menu view and select the Start button. Just go into personalization, choose the theme of design and the picture of the desktop to your taste. Many themes for better display require the installation of the OldNewExplorer program. The program folder is located on the system drive C. Run the program and configure it for you. In the user's preferences, you can select an avatar from the corresponding folder. Keep in mind that themes from previous versions of the 10-k version are not suitable for this version, so do not try to apply them in this version.
7. When installing, you can use both a Microsoft account and create a local account. Some applications require a Microsoft account. To sign or not, it's up to you.
8. Updates from the update site are installed automatically when you connect to the Internet, so the computer at first slows down a lot. Connection to the Internet can occur automatically at the stage of installation of the system if it is physically connected.
9. Built-in antivirus "Windows Defender", SmartScreen and UAC in the assembly are disabled for the possibility of conflict-free activation and system setup after installation. After successful activation, I recommend that you run it all back manually, or using the registry tweaks from the additional material. Better yet, install any third-party antivirus. Many third-party antiviruses support Windows 10 only in their latest versions. Do not try to install older versions of antivirus software.
10. The overall impression of the system is basically positive, if it is slightly adjusted to "yourself." Microsoft regularly corrects system errors and makes new ones, but the process is still there.
11. Voice Assistant Cortana, Shop, Edge and other Metro applications in this edition are not available.
12. For users who are sensitive to their privacy, I advise you not to accept standard settings when installing the system, but to configure them for yourself, disable everything that tracks the user and create a local register. You can also configure these settings after installing the system from the "Privacy" panel (Settings - Settings). Additionally, the folder "Anti-spyware" with antispyware programs is added to the assembly. Be careful with them, do not remove the superfluous. All users must choose for themselves the balance between their privacy and new features and system chips. - Every single product provided in this blog is clean. For personal safety, test these products in VM

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