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Download Windows 10 1903 Pro Compact [18362.1.19h1 release] |
Removed Windows Defender, Cortana, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Store, OneDrive.
Components window is maximized (see screenshots), esd format
Those who want to install Cortana, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Store, GameBar will find them on disk in the apps64 daddy.
OneDrive take here.
The integrity of files and packages is not broken.
In audit mode, the system was not. Install from disk / flash drive.
Computer for the system:
Processor: at least 1 GHz or SoC
RAM: 1 GB for a 32-bit system or 2 GB for a 64-bit system
Disk space: 16 GB for a 32-bit OS or 20 GB for a 64-bit OS
Video adapter: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
Screen: 800 x 600
Windows 10 1903 Pro Compact [18362.1.19h1 release] torrent, changes:
About installation:
The system is installed using the built-in tool Windows 10 - CompactOS.
? Quick semi-automatic installation - languages are selected, agreements are accepted, keys are entered, sliders are disabled, at the beginning of installation we select only a section, at the end a user name. Along with all this, the initial window with the “System Restore” function is also skipped to get into it from the installation disk - just close the installation window and go to the recovery menu.
? Not to write flash drives and disks every time, SetupCompact.exe is in the root of the disk - it will deploy the image using DISM and create a bootloader.
(SetupCompact.exe works only from under Windows 10. With it, you can install the system with or without compression.)
Installing without compression from a flash drive:
To install the system from a flash drive without CompactOS compression, we replace boot.wim and setup.exe with dozens of them from any other image.
(setup.exe we take from the same sources folder, and not from the root of the disk)
And if you already have a flash drive with a ten, then it's even easier - just replace your install.wim / esd + ei.cfg with those in the distribution image.
Installation with its own settings and tweaks:
To install the system with personal settings and tweaks - roll them into the file (s) of the registry and:
- When installing via SetupCompact.exe - we throw them into the Temp folder of the applied image. (SetupCompact.exe automatically copies files from \ sources \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Temp \ *. Reg)
- When installing from a flash drive - create the following folder structure: Flash Drive: \ sources \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Temp \ your registry files.reg
All found .reg files in these folders are imported at the final stage of the installation.
Description SetupCompact:
SetupCompact.exe searches for wim / esd by * inst * mask:
First of all, it fumbles in the sources folder next to it, if it does not find it it searches in the folder from which it is running,
if it isn’t there, it searches for wim / esd across all mounted and mounted disks in the sources root folder and reads editions.
In general, it can now be used from any location by mounting any image of the tens, or by copying it into one folder with wim / esd.
Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Store, Xbox, OneDrive - are installed separately at the discretion of the user.
Cortana (search) - likewise, will start after logging out.
Speakers and spell checker - set from the menu "Language options"
Everything else cannot be restored:
Windows Defender, along with its "Center" and all the giblets,
Holographic, PPIProjection, BitLocker,
Windows Face Recognition Hello,
WinSATMediaFiles, WinRE and Recovery Disk,
Cleaned WinSxS \ Backup folder
The "Components" window is maximized (see screenshots)
Paging file, hibernation, indexing, account control (slider below), error reports, SmartScreen, program compatibility assistant, SysMain (Superfetch) service.
In the "components" window, an online printing client.
Data collection and telemetry are disabled.
All additional event logs are disabled.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - the program will not require, but if you really want you can install.
After installing (enabling) .NET 3.5, run:
reg delete "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ .NET Framemework" / v "OnlyUseLatestCLR" / f
reg delete "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Microsoft \ .NETFramework" / v "OnlyUseLatestCLR" / f
The WinX menu has added the classic "Control Panel" and "Registry Editor".
In the context menu while holding Shift added: "Open command window", for .cab files "Install" and for all types of files "Edit" (in notepad)
In the menu "New" added to create "Batch file Windows" and "Registry file"
The name of the PC is HOME-PC, the working group is WORKGROUP, the network profile is “Public”.
PhotoViewer associations restored.
Temp and TMP folders are transferred to the root of the system disk.
Disable warning when running files downloaded from the Internet.
The default keyboard layout is en-US.
Everything else, see \ sources \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Temp \
CRC32: B5FC0A73
MD5: 208740E9D40A655C1B0AF7893BB61086
SHA-1: B814589696A9C64C3FE531F30F7292820B6A425D
FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions:
· Why is the paging file disabled?
It is disabled not so that it does not exist, but in order to set the required size itself without unnecessary reloads. In general, we must turn on!
If we don’t know which one - we set the choice of the system.
· How to speed up boot from HDD?
We enable the SysMain service or execute it on the command line with administrator rights:
sc config SysMain start = auto
· How to write a flash drive?
Rufus or UltraISO
· How to return "Removable disks" to the Explorer navigation panel?
Run on the command line:
Reg add "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Desktop \ NameSpace \ DelegateFolders \ {F5FB2C77-0E2F-4A16-A381-3E560C68BC83}" / f
· How to activate this vIndUs?
W10 Digital Activation or KMSAuto ++
· How to get Home Single Language editors to activate on laptops and tablets?
Paste the SL key into the Home with the command:
slmgr / ipk 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH
Similarly, from Pro we get Enterprise (saved in Pro UWF):
slmgr / ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
· How to enable the unified write filter (UWF)?
a) enable the push message routing service or execute on the command line:
sc config dmwappushservice start = demand
b) Enable UWF in components.
Reboot and configure uwfmgr
· How to enable “Timeline” or “Timeline”?
An indexing service is required for its operation. Turn on Windows Search.
· How to completely disable the update?
Run the following commands:
reg add "HKLM \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Services \ UsoSvc" / v "Start" / t REG_DWORD / d "4" / f
reg add "HKLM \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Services \ WaaSMedicSvc" / v "Start" / t REG_DWORD / d "4" / f
reg add "HKLM \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Services \ wuauserv" / v "Start" / t REG_DWORD / d "4" / f
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