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Download AAct 4.0 r1 (2019) PC | Portable |
Software Version: 4.0 r1
Program author: Ratiborus
Interface language: Russian, English
Treatment: not required
System requirements:
Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 | Server 2008 | 2008 R2 | 2012 | 2012 R2
Office 2010 | 2013 | 2016 VL revisions
AAct - KMS activator for Windows VL editions: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 and Office 2010, 2013, 2016. Office 2010 VL can be activated on Windows XP. The program is written using original technologies and implements a different ideology of designing similar software, different from the usual one. The program does NOT require any version of the .NET Framework.
Differences AAct from other programs:
KMSS runs directly in memory, without first unpacking into a temporary or any other folder.
All actions for activation manipulations are performed by application-standard files, slmgr.vbs and ospp.vbs.
The program window is stylized as a standard cmd.exe window.
The program does not have an INI file, it does not save anything anywhere.
Version changes:
4.0 r1 (03/25/2019)
- The program introduces itself to the Defender’s exceptions and does not delete them on exit.
- The program works from the SYSTEM.
- Improved work on older editions of Windows.
Additional program start parameters (keys):
/ win = act - Run the program in hidden mode, activate Windows
and exit the program.
/ ofs = act - Run the program in hidden mode, activate Office
and exit the program.
/ wingvlk - Run the program in stealth mode, install the Windows key
and exit the program.
/ ofsgvlk - Run the program in hidden mode, install the Office key
and exit the program.
/ taskwin - Create a task to reactivate Windows
/ taskofs - Create a task to reactivate Office
/ tap - Use TAP method
/ hook - Use the Hook method
/ auto - Use all three methods.
/ ip = host: port - Use external KMS-Service
/ ru | / en - The program will be launched with Russian or English interface.
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